

I've already slacked on keeping up with this here blog.

two days ago, march 7: 
  I don't even remember. clearly it wasn't that exciting... it was Wednesday so that means that I was trippin on this mega assignment that was due last night. I also had volleyball practice. that was fun. I was high on painkillers. I'm funny! like, I sang God Bless America and America the Beautiful... and may have recited the pledge of allegiance. Christian flag, too.

yesterday, march 8:
  well, I slept for three hours after working on the mega assignment so I could have a game night last night. after a full day of class (8-6pm), and then a 40 min nap and then knocking out the assignment to turn it in 6 hrs early, I hurried to the store and bought a shid ton of oreos and cookies and what not for the party-ish. so then I head on over to my girl dinah doodoos house and start baking the mess outta some desserts. hooray!!!! TWO of 15 people invited showed up. weeeeeee 
  maybe I was just tired and crabby and being a female, but I had been looking forward to this for two weeks! no really, these game nights save my soul. after two weeks of midterms and major projects blah blah, all I wanted to do was watch basketball and eat chocolate and drink beer and play games while laughing with friends. however, I was reminded once again that it is useless to depend my own plans. it may seem trivial, but I was really planning on last night being super fun and satisfying and.it.wasn't. 
  I mean, I did have fun with the four total people there. winning at Bezzerwizzer is always a plus. however, I couldn't help but feel slightly unappreciated. lame I know. but isn't it just glorious when you invite a whole bunch of people and you're banking on having a good time and you make a bunch of shiza for all these people and then?? not even half show up. meh.
  at least at some point there was an attempted music video remake of "If I Were a Boy" by Beyonce involved. those are the best.

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